Thursday, December 9, 2010

Counting my Blessings

My girls woke me at 2:30 this a.m. and sleep eluded me thereafter.  I went to my computer, checked my gmail and FB, made tea and decided that I should start a blog page as I had a couple years ago but forgot the name of.  I love my life.  Christmas is coming and I am baking and doing a little shopping and buying little things to make my house look cuter since it is on the market privately.  I don't expect much interest as we have not posted pictures on kijiji yet and have not put an ad on Craig's list or Facebook but it is fun to think about showing the house more in the new year after we have painted one or two more rooms.  My husband flies and is getting busier so the hour commute to Kitchener will start to seem like a bit much as he is going into the office more these days.  I like Brampton just fine.  I have a great neighbour two doors down.  I belong to a great church that is tiny but has started growing lately.  I belong to a great little choir within walking distance at the Pentecostal church nearby and I am friends with two pretty special single girls in my complex.  As well I help lead a homeschooling support group in which I get to come up with creative ideas and be inspired by other creative, dedicated moms.  One of my favourite of the moms just lives three minutes away by car.  She has been widowed for almost two years now and she is busy, energetic and very stable in her desire to keep homeschooling her teen and two preteens even if it means losing their house and living in an apartment to make it work financially.  I admire her courage and determination and her hospitable spirit.  The Bible recommends that Christians take care of widows but I see her reaching out to other people and being the encourager when she could be the discouraged one looking for handouts.  If I ever suffer loss as she has, I hope to do it so graciously and humbly.  She is an inspiration.

So all that to say, that I have a wonderful life.  I have an 11 year old and a 9 year old that make me very proud with their desire for spiritual things.  I have a 7 year old and a 3 year old that keep my life from getting boring and add to the cute factor in my home.  I have a husband that flies planes (very cool), plays guitar, harmonizes with me when I sing, and supports my music habit (because it is an addiction).  He has been patient with me through manic highs and lows and has taught me a lot about how to get along with people when I didn't grow up always being the smoothest, most sedate person around.  When I don't like myself, he always has good to say about me and he tells me constantly that his friends think I am great because he tells them I am.  I am blessed.  If I don't ever move to Kitchener and get a bungalow with a bigger, fenced in back yard, I will still consider myself blessed.  If I lose the spacious townhouse I have now, I will still consider myself blessed to have the husband I have, the kids I have, and the God that I serve.

Wow, it is good to be me!

1 comment:

  1. Indeed you are blessed! The best part of it is that you appreciate and recognize these blessings them while you have them. So ofen you hear people say their life was blessed when...(fill in the blank).
