Saturday, January 1, 2011

Double Portion

I went to a New Year's Eve service at the church of two of my friends last night. It is a church that practises annointing with oil more often than mine does and as we prayed in the new year, the deacons of the church and their wives went around and annointed everyone with oil and prayed over them. One lady annointed me and then, about five minutes later, a man came from the other side of my row and annointed me again. All I could think was, "I want a double portion of Your blessing for 2011, Lord." Is that selfish? I don't know. I already feel like He has blessed me immensely in 2010 and my cup is overflowing with gratitude but I am still praying for some big things and so I asked Him for a double portion. I have written a song called "Reckless Belief" and that is what I want to have. I have seen God do things that looked a bit hopeless to me as I was praying for them and so I know that He still wants believers to pray prayers in reckless abandon and innocent faith. God wants us to expect him to do things that look impossible to us so that HE can get the glory when it happens. Lord, I need a double portion of your power for this next year. I want you to answer my prayers in big ways and I ask it only because I KNOW that You want to grant it. You delight to answer the impossible looking prayers of Your children!